colour run and holi celebrations


Senior Prefect Team Announced for 2018-19

25th May 2018

Following a rigorous application process and formal voting procedure, the new Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl and Senior Prefect Team have been announced for the next academic year. This underpins one of our seven core values; 'Future Leaders'.

Talented Writers Win Junior Competition and District's Highly Commended Awards

25th May 2018

This has been Manor House School's most successful year for talented writing, both winning the local Rotary Junior competition and with a number of girls in the senior school receiving Highly Commended awards for their prize winning writing.

Upper Prep School's Residential to France

24th May 2018

Last week, girls in Year 6 of the Upper Preparatory School set off for a four day residential in France. Staying at a chateau in St Omer, northern France, they practiced their French speaking skills whilst immersing themselves in French culture.

Individual Challenge for Year 5 at PGL Adventure Centre

11th May 2018

In early May, Year 5 set off on their #IndividualChallenge residential adventure to PGL, Liddington. They engaged in a variety of fun and challenging activities together, which demonstrated their perseverance and determination as future leaders.

Tudor-tastic Residential Trip to Dorset

11th May 2018

Year 4 girls experienced life as Tudors on their recent residential trip to Dorset and discovered what it was like to live as a Tudor in the 16th century.

Welcome to a New Member of the Board of Governors

4th May 2018

Manor House School announce the appointment of Ms Margaret Kieran to the School’s Board of Governors.

Surrey Novice Floor & Vault Competition & Surrey Schools Tennis Festival

4th May 2018

The latest sports news update details competitors in the Surrey Schools Tennis Festival and Surrey Novice Floor and Vault Gymnastics Competition.

Sports Report: Spring 2018

27th April 2018

An update of Manor House School's Hockey, Cross Country, Gymnastics and Netball activities and results from the Spring term, 2018. #Individual Challenge #HappyandHealthy

Winter Sports Summary 2017-2018

27th April 2018

Girls have experienced a wide variety of sports during curriculum time this year with Summer skills introduced earlier at the end of last term to get a head start with athletics, tennis and rounders. The Sports Department held a celebratory assembly.

Year 3 Residential Trip to the North Downs

27th April 2018

Juniper Hall Field Centre in Mickleham, Surrey, is the annual location for Year 3's residential trip, giving Prep girls a taste of independence and their first experiences away from home on an overnight school adventure.