colour run and holi celebrations


Reception Class Girls Make Great Progress!

23rd September 2019

Girls starting school in our Reception Class are provided with the structure to develop good working habits, engage their interest and stimulate their desire to learn. The start of term has been no exception!

Prep School Drama: 'Aladdin JR'

23rd August 2019

Traditionally, at the end of the summer term, Years 3 to 6 of the Prep School collaborate to produce a performing arts extravaganza, with Year 6 pupils auditioning for main parts.

New Year 3 Scholarships Announced in Memory of Founding Headmistresses

22nd August 2019

For the first time, Manor House School will be offering Academic and Music Scholarships to girls in Year 3 from September 2020.

Over Half of All GCSE Grades Score 9-7 at Manor House School

22nd August 2019

Manor House School pupils are again celebrating examination success today with some excellent headline GCSE results. 

Prep Girls join Leatherhead Choral Society in 'The Pied Piper' Choir Performance

3rd July 2019

Girls in Years 4 and 5 were invited to join Leatherhead Choral Society in a performance of local composer, Ian Assersohn's, ‘The Pied Piper’ on Saturday 29 July. The girls learnt the children's choir part alongside the Aladdin songs during music lessons with Mrs Hawksley and Mrs Harman. 

Geography Students Learn About Wetlands Management and Visit Roman Farmstead

21st June 2019

On Monday, with a lucky break in the weather, Year 7 Humanities students went to the RSPB Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve to discover how the wetland is managed for wildlife and visitors as part of the Geography curriculum.

'Under the Sea' in Village Day Fundraising Parade

21st June 2019

We were delighted this year to again take part in the Bookham Village Day Parade with all proceeds going to the upkeep of the Old Barn Hall and Bookham Community Association.

Qualifiers for the National Prep Schools Athletics Finals!

21st June 2019

Last Tuesday, girls from Year 4 to Year 7 took part in the West Surrey Prep Schools Athletics Competition at Bracknell against a number of schools from Surrey and Berkshire with some great results!

Year 9 Art Scholar wins 'Best Painting' at Surrey Wildlife's Art Exhibition

7th June 2019

Winner of the Under 18's category for 'Bluebell Badger', congratulations to artist, Isabelle S, Year 9 pupil at Manor House School, Bookham.

Orchestral Collaboration with Reed's School, Cobham

24th May 2019

Manor House School continues to link with other schools to develop partnerships and opportunities for our pupils.