colour run and holi celebrations

100 Years of 'To Love is to Live' - But what does it mean for today's pupils?

Posted: 12th October 2020

16-10-2020 093931

This year, Manor House School, Bookham celebrates 100 years since its formation in 1920, when it began as two small classes set up by founders, Elizabeth Green and Lillian Wheeler. Their legacy lives on and Manor House School continues to uphold the original school motto of 'To Love is to Live'; to wish pupils to 'love learning', to 'love each other' and to 'love themselves'. But in these strange and difficult times, what does this mean for the school's pupils of today?

In upholding the School motto, pupils at Manor House School are encouraged to be engaged and curious students who embrace the opportunities offered and become learners that set high expectations of themselves. The School promotes a caring community where students should demonstrate kindness, respect, celebrate diversity and develop leadership skills. Finally, girls are supported to develop positive self-esteem, confidence and responsibility in order to become, happy and healthy, self-assured young women. There are many school initiatives that support these beliefs, including the unique 'Supportive Friends' initiative (led by Senior Prefect and Lead Supportive Friend, Tabitha). This initiative is where older girls volunteer to buddy younger girls in the school and act as mentors and listeners. The ties between girls continue long after pupils leave Manor House and many of the original mentors and buddies still correspond. Supportive Friends take turns to be on duty during break and lunch-times and are identifiable by girls wearing a sash.

On Friday 16 October, the School once again remembered and celebrated their Founders, and creators of 'To Love is to Live.' The day started with a charity Macmillan Fundraising Breakfast and virtual Founders Day assembly. The two events were held in rotation with pupils staying within their school 'bubbles'.

Parents were encouraged to send students into school to enjoy a full English or Continental breakfast in return for a suggested minimum donation for Surrey Macmillan Cancer Care. For many years, the School has supported Surrey Macmillan Cancer Care and this year was no exception. Josh, Fundraising Manager for the South East, sent a virtual message to parents, pupil and staff, thanking the School for their continued support and praising Manor House School for their creativity in finding an alternative method of fundraising despite the difficulties of hosting public events with Covid restrictions. The School has raised nearly £16,000 in recent years, enough to fund a Macmillan nurse for three months and this year raised £1750 despite the restrictions in place. This demonstrates the enduring kindness and charitable ethos of girls at Manor House.

Form Captains made their way over to the graves of Miss Green and Miss Wheeler, who are buried in All Saints' Church, Bookham, adjacent to the School grounds. Ms Tracey Fantham, Headteacher accompanied them to lay flowers on the graveside.

Girls and staff who had purchased 100 Year celebratory hoodies - part of the School's memorabilia merchandising - wore them in recognition of the milestone event. Later, at morning break, the age old tradition of serving iced buns to the entire School was facilitated from service points on the front lawn of the main house.

The School has a number of other Centenary Year events planned, including a celebratory Ball next Summer (Covid permitting) and 100 Year Pageant. With merchandise flying off the shelves, and the School struggling to keep up with orders for their pupil community and growing alumni base, Miss Green and Miss Wheeler, would be very proud of their legacy.
