colour run and holi celebrations

Bookham School Girls take part in ‘I’m a Celebrity' style lunch challenge

Posted: 7th December 2018

Bushtucker Trial 022 lower res

In a 'I'm a Celebrity' style challenge, to coincide with the final of the popular TV programme, girls in the Prep and Senior Departments of Manor House School in Bookham tried out a variety of insect based culinary delights during a lunch-time with a difference.

In addition to the usual lunch menu, girls were able to sample cricket flapjacks, meal-worm mud, buffalo worm couscous and crispy grasshoppers. The 'I'm a Celebrity' inspired foods were prepared by Regional Head Chef, Steve, from Holroyd Howe, the School’s on-site catering team. The presentation highlighted to pupils the world-wide trend for sourcing alternative protein sources to offset climate change and encourage sustainability of food sources.

Insects are a complete protein. Enjoyed around the world by over 2 billion people in Asia, Africa and South America, they are delicious, nutritious and sustainable. They are high in protein and use less of our precious planet’s resources to farm. They contain all nine essential amino acids and include important minerals like iron and calcium. They can contain up to 69% protein depending on how they are prepared. Traditional livestock farming produces more greenhouse gas emissions worldwide than cars do so, in future, we could see insects become a more common sight on our school lunch menus!

Poppy in Year 9 at Manor House School (pictured) was unsure about her tasting but Jessie in Year 4, gave her meal-worm the thumbs up and said 'It tastes like a crisp!' Headteacher, Tracey Fantham, said “One of our school’s core values is Happy and Healthy and we place great emphasis on providing healthy foods that are sourced locally. Our catering team are fantastic at inspiring the girls to think about future global issues and serving up regional foods for them to try. We’ve had sushi demonstrations, South American food themes and many more. I’m not sure we are quite at the stage of serving up insects, but it has certainly made many of the pupils think about future sustainability!”
