colour run and holi celebrations

Individual Challenge for Year 5 at PGL Adventure Centre

Posted: 11th May 2018

Yr 5 PGL

Written by Year 5

We were all exceptionally excited, but nervous,  in Year 5 as we didn’t know what to expect upon arriving at PGL, Liddington. The adventure centre is housed on 150 acres of land with some of the latest and greatest outdoor activities to try. Our PGL leader was called Beth, she was funny and really good at including everyone as part of a team.

After we had been assigned our rooms, we unpacked and at lunch, and strolled out confidently towards our first activity. Half of Year 5 were doing the exhilarating zip wire, whilst others were doing sports and team games. The zip wire was fun and enjoyable as it felt like you were flying, even if a little scary when you jumped off. The team games helped us to collaborate and work together.

We all enjoyed the big swing, it was awesome and we had a great time singing the crazy songs our lively instructors taught us. There was one about a, ‘Crazy Moose’ and a ‘Coca Cola’ song. These seemed to be the favourites.

Many of us felt really scared when we first did the abseiling because the tower was so high, but we kept saying to ourselves, ‘I’m in a harness and I won’t fall.’ The most terrifying part was when we had to let go off the bar and hold onto a rope, it felt like we were going to fall down backwards. Other activities included: raft building, aeroball and problem solving.

In the end, we all enjoyed PGL because it was exciting and exhilarating, we also had to overcome many of our fears. We got to stay up late, eat biscuits and drink hot chocolate at night, whilst playing fun games. After each day, we chatted about everything that had happened during the different activities. Everybody was looking exhausted, but extremely cheerful and above all we had had the most amazing time……with many memories to cherish and #UnforgettableExperiences.


