colour run and holi celebrations

New iPads, Multi-Sensory Resources and Working Furniture

Posted: 3rd December 2019


iPads in Early Years and Key Stage 1 Help Embed Learning

Earlier this year, the FoMHS purchased a set of iPads for girls in our Early Years and Key Stage 1 and pupils have been using these in a variety of ways to enhance their learning and bring things to life.

In Reception, the girls began making their own books about their French language studies. They have taken photos of some of the colours they have been learning and have saved them in their French books. They have used MarkUp and Book Creator for this.

In Year 1, girls have used a variety of apps such as BeeBots, Lexia and Mathletics to support their English, Computing and Maths learning. Pupils have loved using the apps and playing the games to further embed their learning.

Pupils are also filming themselves as ‘TV chefs’ and will be using the iPads to record each other making something exciting. Once they have filmed the recipe, they will be using the iPads to add music and credits to the film.

In Year 2, pupils have used the iPads to take photos of a particular place in the school grounds and then uploaded the photo into their own ‘book’ about the seasons and seasonal change. The girls also input their own text about the observations, all using Book Creator. They have also been used for taking photos on our ‘healthy detectives walk’ around school.

In Humanities, pupils have used iPads to research facts by having QR codes linking the girls to spot different websites.

Supporting the Vision of Academic Advancement

In our Academic Advancement Department, the Friends of Manor House School were asked for their help to support the department’s vision of enhancing girls’ learning opportunities through purchasing multi-sensory resources and in providing working furniture that allowed collaboration.

The FoMHS purchased some height-adjustable white board tables so that girls in the Lower Prep School all the way to the Senior School could make use of them by writing on them in different materials. Girls from across all age ranges and abilities have been able to utilise the new tables.

Having access to lots of different multi-sensory resources, has allowed girls to complement their learning in class. For example, girls undertaking their GCSEs have used models to present their work to others, whilst other pupils have been learning vocabulary using glitter, clay, wax sticks, sand, foam and many other materials. It is proven that we learn best and develop longer lasting memories if we learn things using at least three senses at the same time. By using these multi-sensory resources, girls have learnt spellings, for example, through sight, touch and smell and this in turn, has retained their knowledge.

We would like to thank the Friends of Manor House School for the huge impact that their fundraising has had on the progress of individual girls and in enhancing #ALoveofLearning.
