colour run and holi celebrations

Outward Bound to Juniper - by Year 3 of the Prep School

Posted: 6th June 2021

Juniper Hall - Year 3

On Friday 21 May, Year 3 of the Prep School went on an outward-bound trip to Juniper Hall to assist with their Science and Humanities topics of 'Pond Dipping' (with the learning objective of looking at water invertebrates) and 'Map work and Orienteering Skills' using compass directions to find and locate clues. There was great excitement as the students lined up in the classroom ready with their backpacks and dressed up for a day outdoors. After a short journey, they arrived at Juniper Hall on the school minibus.

Girls met their Course Leader for the day, Beth and, very soon, were on their way to do some pond dipping! There was much excitement when pupils found a variety of water invertebrates, mayflower nymphs, leeches, damselflies, dragon fly nymphs and even a newt! After examining and identifying the mini beasts, the girls carefully returned them to the pond.

After a quick break for a morning snack, pupils were back playing games, acting out in groups the various water invertebrates we had recorded. Everyone had a lot of fun.

After eating a packed lunch, Mrs Zaltsman put an Abba song on for the group to dance and warm up to, before it was time to go back outside to do the next part of the day's activities. Despite the rain coming down, and in true Manor House spirit, Year 3 students persevered and after having had a quick orienteering lesson, pupils set out to find the codes using map work and directions. This proved quite tricky but everyone succeeded and recorded all the coordinates correctly.

Unfortunately, it was then time to say goodbye to Juniper Hall and a weary but happy group of girls and teachers boarded our school minibus and Paul, our driver, safely returned us back to school. It was a wonderful experience and a lovely end to the week. Thank you Year 3 for being such a joy to take to Juniper Hall.

Mrs Horrocks and Mrs Zaltsman
