colour run and holi celebrations

Over Half of All GCSE Grades Score 9-7 at Manor House School

Posted: 22nd August 2019


This news follows on from the school's very successful GCSE results last year and continues a consistently strong GCSE performance in recent years.

Over 90% of pupils gained a 9-7 in Biology, as well as in French, German, Latin, History and Music. In fact, there were eight subjects where more than 75% of the cohort gained 9-7 grades, the equivalent to the old A*-A grade.

The English Department performed well with 21% of girls gaining a 9 in English Language or Literature and 61% of all English results scoring a celebratory 9-7.

Every single pupil gained a 9-4 in Sciences (separate or combined), a department that regularly delivers strong results year on year. Specifically, 54% of all those who took Biology gained a 9.

Following a fantastic GCSE Art exhibition, over half of all grades in Art were 9-7.

Overall, 55% of all pupils achieved grades 9–7, compared with 21% nationally. Fourteen per cent of all grades achieved the highest score of 9 with 36% of all grades achieving 9-8.

Pupils receiving their results today will now progress onto a variety of local independent and mainstream sixth forms and colleges including Reed’s, CLFS, St John’s, Reigate Grammar, The Howard of Effingham, George Abbott and Godalming College.

Tracey Fantham, Headteacher said “One pupil gained the highest grade of 9 in seven out of her eight individual subjects for which she should be immensely proud. However, it is hard to single out individual girls because for each, it has been a personal journey and they have shown that hard work and perseverance reaps rewards. My gratitude goes to all staff who go above and beyond to ensure that our students are successful in all aspects of school life.”
