colour run and holi celebrations

Reception Class Girls Make Great Progress!

Posted: 23rd September 2019


Our Reception Class girls have been very busy recently. They have had their first Religious Studies lesson in which they thought about what makes each of them special. The girls were brilliant at identifying what makes them unique and drew some lovely pictures to go alongside this.

They have also been looking at the book ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ in Literacy to match the current class topic of 'senses'. Pupils have made some brilliant animal noises and were excellent at matching the animal sounds to the animal in a carpet game!

Girls have also enjoyed learning how to play the violin! They have started by learning how to hold the violin correctly underneath their chins with no hands! Thank you to Mrs Dobell for her excellent teaching. Music forms one of the lessons that is taught by specialist subject teachers in the Early Years Department at Manor House School, in addition to French, PE and Performing Arts/Ballet.

Sign up for the Reception Discovery Afternoon on Thursday 14 November 2019 at 1.30pm.

