colour run and holi celebrations

Success for Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Assessment Expedition

Posted: 21st June 2018



On Saturday 16 June twenty three Year 10 girls from Manor House School set out from Newlands Corner to participate in their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Assessment Expedition. The weather was perfect, being warm and dry. The teams had planned their routes in advance and were keen to get started. Despite many reminders that this was not a race, some teams had a rather competitive streak which drove them forward much faster than others! Not every group quite managed to follow their intended route exactly but they were able to recognise when they had gone wrong and put it right. Valuable life skills!

At the campsite, Bentley Copse, the girls put up their tents and set to making dinner for themselves. Lessons had been learned it seems as to what cooks quickest and needs least washing up afterwards. The girls had also adjusted the amount of food that they brought  - generally saying that they were prepared to carry more weight this time in order to avoid hunger. Thanks to the fresh air and exercise everyone was tucked up in their sleeping bags by about 10pm.

The following morning the girls got themselves up and made breakfast. Their tents and kit were all packed away and teams were on the road by 8.15am. As with the first day, they had about 6 hours of walking ahead of them. Whilst, again, some of the groups spent longer than they planned exploring the Surrey Hills they all successfully returned to Newlands Corner in good time. Along the way they had been taking photographs and videos to prepare for the presentations that they will give on Thursday in assembly about their expedition.

I am pleased to say that all were successful in meeting the twenty conditions set by the Duke of Edinburgh Award and have therefore passed their Bronze Expedition. Next, they will need to complete the remaining elements of Skills, Physical and Volunteering.

A huge thank you to Miss Banfield, Ms. Grindrod and Mr Hillier for their assistance in manning checkpoints and supervising the camping and to all the girls for showing great determination, team spirit and resilience. The instructors were very impressed with the manners and approach of all those involved. 

Miss K Gall. 



(The first photo is of the red group keeping warm at the end of the walk. The second is the blue group enjoying a moments rest at Newlands Corner and the final one is the campsite Bentley, Copse.)


