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Talented Writers Win Local Rotary Young Writers’ Competition

Posted: 20th May 2019

Rotary Winners

Earlier this term, we were delighted to announce that Manor House School had once again been extremely successful in the Rotary Young Writers' Competition, winning both of the Senior School categories at local level.

The title of the competition was ‘My Inspiration.’ Talia P’s (Year 7) poem about 'Love' won the Intermediate category and Naomi T (Year 10) improved on being last year’s Intermediate runner up, to win the senior category this year. Naomi wrote a fictional story about being born with a heart condition and how the doctors who had saved her life as a young child had inspired her to study medicine.

The judges also selected a number of the other girls’ writing for the District Stage of the competition; Hannah H, Eleanor F, Louise D, Felicity W, Fleur P-J and Lauren C were Highly Commended. Louise wrote a true story about a friend she knew at primary school who suffered from a medical condition which she sadly died of but who has had an inspirational influence on her life. Louise was Highly Commended at District level.

We were fortunate to welcome Ian Taylor from the Rotary to a recent assembly where Talia and Lauren very kindly read out their poems. Mr Taylor then handed out certificates and prizes and spoke to the senior girls in more detail about the competition, the benefits and why it is such an achievement for the girls involved.

Talented writers at Manor House School join the lunch-time 'Gifted and Talented Writing Club' for senior girls who have been identified as having a flair for writing. The aim of the club is to enter a variety of competitions, both locally and nationally, thus challenging the girls to compose high quality writing on a competitive basis.

#ALoveofLearning #AcademicExcellence
