colour run and holi celebrations

Upper Prep School's Residential to France

Posted: 24th May 2018

11-05-2018 082959

Practicing your linguistic skills, appreciating different cultures, cementing friendships and working as part of a team are all important life skills to learn and the Manor House Year 6 French trip presents girls approaching the end of their time in the Prep School, with just that opportunity.  To view the full gallery of images click here

Here are a few of the girls' comments from their time in France:

"I tried lots of new foods - the puddings were extremely delicious, mainly because they were chocolate related! After dinner we all scrambled to our dorms; I think my dorm was rather large, with 2 sets of bunk beds and lots of space for playing in. The dorms were way above my expectations!"  Jessie

"Arriving at Boulogne market ready with my money, I went off to enjoy the market. It was a great experience and I learned how to be responsible for my money and what I chose to spend it on."  Laila

"At the bakery we learnt that the man (the baker) burns wood in his oven so the bread tastes better. He wakes up at 2am and starts baking at 4am! He is very traditional. People come from 80km away to buy his bread." Chloe

 "We went to the Snail Farm. We learnt all about what they ate, about their mucus, what their predators are, how they are nocturnal, how they can stick and hang upside-down. We put them on our faces! I had one that went everywhere and climbed all over my hand and even on my cap!  Kaja

I was really amazed at the supermarket; how much choice there was and how cheap it was. I was surprised at how much variety there was because in England you can only buy a few types of tomato, but they have way more types; beef, plum, cherry, Spanish, French – all sorts.  Martha

"As soon as I walked into La Coupole I saw this huge bomb hanging from the ceiling. There was a damp smell in the air, which made me think of the soldiers who were held prisoner here and had to work so hard. We watched a short video about the war. The video told us about the different types of bombs and which ones were better than others."  Gabriella




