colour run and holi celebrations

Weekly Sports News

Posted: 31st January 2020



U14A v Rosebery B – 10-9


U12A v Howard of Effingham- 4-4

U13A v Sir William Perkins – 2-2


Although our U15 team lost their match against The Howard of Effingham, it was a very positive match which you can read about in the attached report written by the Captain, April W.

Wednesday was a day of football with the U8, U9, U10 and U11 teams all playing fixtures. Unfortunately they did not win but the games proved a valuable experience and much fun was had by all.


Our U13 team took part in a Relays Competition run by Guildford High. Fifteen schools from Surrey took part. Guildford High won the English Schools National Cup so we knew they would be very hard to beat. Our team were delighted to finish second beating a number of large and very competitive schools such as Tormead, St Catherine’s, CLFS, Putney High, Danes Hill, Wimbledon High, LEH, Notre Dame and St Teresa’s.


Manor House School vs The Howard of Effingham U14’s - Home Match – Monday 20 January

Score – 2-5

Wow what a match! As a team, we have seen a lot of improvement since the last time we played together. This was our first game back after Christmas with limited time for practice, despite that we did superbly against the strong opposition of The Howard of Effingham. Our previous battle with them included a 3-0 loss but this time we showed a great improvement and determination, the accuracy of the passing between team members has also improved since we last played them. This is down to us looking up before passing and making a decision before our next pass / move. Defence were certainly busy this match with strong attacking opponents. However, Sacha K scored our first goal; the goal started with a team effort of working the ball down the pitch then it was followed by dragging the goalie out off her line then finishing it with Sacha going past the goalie and scoring. This fired The Howard of Effingham up and an equaliser goal soon followed making it 1-1. The rest of the match was end to end and full of action and goals.

Every single player who played was an absolute fighter and didn’t give up. Everyone was tracking down and sticking to their players putting constant pressure on them, forcing them to perform a bad pass. One person who didn’t give up was Abigail P, who received ‘Player of the Match’ and personally, I felt it was very deserved. Abigail was a warrior in goal, constantly saving the powerful shots that were coming at her left, right and centre!

Thank you so much for everyone who played and especially to those who stepped in. I know the score seems quite high but I think that the score didn’t reflect the true flow of the game because as a whole we performed a solid result against The Howard of Effingham and let’s hope that things can only improve.

Well played everyone!

April W, Captain.
