colour run and holi celebrations

Year 8 Classics Trip to the British Museum

Posted: 14th November 2018

classics trip 2

Year 8 headed to London to enjoy the delights of the British Museum last week.

In Classical Civilisation, pupils have been studying festivals for the gods and Greek temple designs. As the year group reached central London, the girls were keenly spotting lots of neoclassical buildings with tall majestic columns and triangular pediments. After dropping off their bags, girls divided into groups to explore the Roman and Greek galleries.

The Latin group went upstairs to look at artefacts from Roman Britain and the rest of the empire, including a magnificent gladiator helmet from Pompeii, while the Classical Civilisation group went to view the wonderful array of Greek pots and investigate the myths they told.

Students were then lucky enough to meet one of the museum’s experts who gave an interesting talk about the Parthenon temple and the ‘Elgin Marbles’. The girls were able to show off their knowledge and he was very impressed at their eagerness to share what they had learned. Our museum expert helped to bring alive all the images carved into the cold hard marble, highlighting the movement of the figures, the expressions on their faces etc. A big ‘well done’ went to the following girls who engaged particularly well and displayed keen interest throughout the visit, and each received a classically themed prize for their efforts - Daisy C, Harriet F, Alicia and Sophie. A great day was had by all.
